High Intensity Circuit Training - HICT - is not a new concept, but it is increasing in attractiveness because of its effectiveness and practicality for a time-constrained civilization.
The mixture of aerobic and resistance training in a high-intensity, limited-rest design can deliver several health benefits in much less time than traditional programs. When body weight is used as resistance, it eliminates the limiting factors of access to equipment and facilities. In simple terms, think push-ups, pull-ups, planks and so forth. HICT can be a quick and efficient way to lose excess body weight and body fat. The built-in resistance training contributes significantly to the quantity of fat burned during a workout. Research has found that these metabolic benefits can be present for up to 72 hours after a high-intensity exercise bout has been completed. There also may be a greater impact on subcutaneous fat loss with high-intensity intermittent circuit-style resistance training routines than with traditional steady state sustained-effort aerobic work or traditional resistance training. This is thought to be from the increased level of catecholamines and growth hormone found in the blood both during and after high-intensity resistance training exercise with shortened rest periods (<30 seconds). If you're interested, connect with us and let's figure out a training that works for you.
Today's Monday morning workout at the park done a bit differently. We brought our latest fun-tool to work - the Steel Mace. This is a fantastic tool for:
Try it and let us know what you think. Everything is connected. Humans are one amazing creation of interconnected organs, muscles, tendons, joints and so forth. Each part of the body is connected neurologically, chemically, mentally and physically. We have more specialists for all the separate parts of the body nowadays. Hand specialist, throat specialist, knee doctors, you name it. We are becoming more and more specialized, and in doing so, we have lost sight of what really makes people better. We have lost the holistic approach to health. Our body is like a wheel with spokes. The spokes are the muscles and the core, whereas the rim is the spine. The software is the nervous system, digestive system and the hormonal system. On the other hand, the hardware is our physical body, which includes the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and cartilage. We need to pay attention to this equation throughout life: Poor Quality Food + Poor Exercise Program = Poor Hardware Therefore, we need to eat healthy, high-quality foods and workout appropriately. This Primal Pattern Cert emphasized the importance of Base Conditioning. The seven primal movements (besides jogging & sprinting) are the base movements for most other activities and should be practiced and performed safely and often before moving on to more specialized exercises.
Stay healthy! Stay active. Ok, I tried yet another super cool alternative therapy that can help you get better fast - Cryotherapy. What you think about it? Have you tried it? Let me know. The Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) treatments is a cutting-edge 3 minute treatment using liquid nitrogen vapor to help your body heal. Research has shown WBC to be more effective and efficient than an ice bath and offers benefits that traditional cold therapies cannot. This anti-inflammatory treatment exposes you to temperatures between -190 F (-123 C) and -256 F (-160 C) degrees (depending on what level you are on) for a short duration of time, typically 2 - 3 minutes. Here a list of some of the positive results with WBC:
Positive results with WBC have occurred when applied to:
A great place to experience CryoTherapy is in Del Mar. Check out Cryo Shield in Del Mar. They offer great service and you can even get in on a "happy hour" sessions from Mon - Fri 12-3pm, call them for details. And they are really nice people, too! So stop by and get your cold fix. It's amazing. Let me know what you think afterwards. Another great Monday morning HIIT workout session at the park. After a nice and easy warm-up run, we hit the ropes, jumps, push-ups & kettle bell for some intense core, stability, endurance and strength training. 2 rounds, 8 sets, 40 sec work, 20 sec rest. What you think? Like what you see? Looking for a true and proven way to relax? How many people can get true rest nowadays? Most of our contemporary life is consumed with traffic jams, long hours at work, anxiety and stress, which can make it difficult to relax. I tried something different yesterday. FLOAT - True Rest! Some of the great benefits of a float session:
Float therapy offers relief and benefits which are cumulative. They build on themselves with each subsequent session. Floating uses 1,000 pounds/450 kg of Epsom salt to help inflammation in your muscles and joints. It can help treat sprains, strains and more muscles. The float I tried uses 180 gallons/680 liters of water. Together with all that salt it creates a 30% salt solution, perfect for effortless floating. The brain enters the theta brain-wave state, associated with deep sleep and dreaming. As all external sources of distraction are removed, floating provides an extreme form of rest. Check out www.truerest.com as one of the great providers of float spa therapy. Contact us today for a $10 off discount for your 1st float. Enjoy a super relaxing time. Here a quick summary what adrenal glands do, their job and how to possibly prevent adrenal fatigue:
Humans have 2 adrenal glands that are located above each kidneys. They're part of the endocrine system and secrete over 50 hormones, such as aldosterone, cortisol and adrenaline. In fact, our Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis is the system responsible for the management of stress. And that's stress from any source:
Chronic stress can result in HPA axis dysfunction, aka "adrenal fatigue" or "adrenal exhaustion". Healthy adrenal functioning is very important for your optimal health. Herbs are not the only way to protect and support your adrenals and may not be the most ideal strategy but they certainly can help during stressful times. The best treatment is a whole-body, natural & holistic approach. We need to review your excess stress level and unhealthy lifestyle habits. We need to review your overall diet and what you put into your body. We should know by now that food is medicine, no matter how frequently the medical community fails to recognize this detail. Contact us today to figure it out. We can help you put it all together. Sources: Dr. Mercola & Dr. Axe articles. |
DannyTheCoach Archives
January 2023