You probably loved being on the trampoline as a child, but do you know that it benefits adults, too? A simple trampoline workout, aka rebounding, has many great health benefits and it's so easy to do. Not much is needed. It's particularly beneficial for your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the vascular system and an important part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart. It is responsible for the removal of interstitial fluid from tissues. It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system. It transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones. Rebounding can burn more calories than walking or jogging. It can help strengthen your body while detoxifying the cells. Here a partial list of benefits of rebounding:
How to Choose a good Rebounder? Don't go cheap because you'll get what you pay for. Cheaper rebounders tend to break or malfunction. Look for at least 30+ springs that taper at the end and look and feel very strong. Double springs add extra strength. You may want to look for a support bar if you're working on your balance or if you're a beginner. Good luck and happy bouncing!
It doesn't take much, a bit of sand, a few rocks and a cowboy hat. That's it.
Happy beach workout. This simple workout helps your core, your lower extremity and your lower back, and some upper arms & chest. How do you work out? Leave a comment below. Thanks for connecting with us. First things first..., let's look at some current numbers:
Blood pressure is the force needed to push blood through your arteries coming from your heart to deliver oxygen-rich blood to your body. When your blood pressure is measured, you get a high value (systolic) and a low value (diastolic). The high number is the highest pressure that occurs in your blood vessels while your heart is contracting. The low value is pressure in your arteries between heartbeats when your heart is relaxed. A 120/80 is considered normal and healthy. As stated above, 1 in 3 have high blood pressure in the US. Recent research suggests hypertension, especially elevated systolic pressure, may also raise your risk of dementia. Also, having an elevated average systolic blood pressure puts you at greater risk for brain lesions and tangles associated with Alzheimer's disease. Here a number of factors contributing to high blood pressure:
What can you do you ask? Diet is huge. One of the most important dietary changes you can make to improve high blood pressure is to eliminate or considerably decrease sugar, especially processed fructose, in your diet. Another dietary illicit is trans fat, which is responsible for atherosclerosis (hardening of your arteries). The easiest way to put both of these bad-boys out is to replace any processed foods with real, whole, organic foods. Don't add any extra sugars to any food you eat. Find wild caught Alaskan salmon, beets, arugula, kale, butter leaf lettuce, and spring greens for example. These are just a few suggestions to help you with hypertension. If you need a more personalized plan, please contact us today. It's all about adapting your lifestyle, make some simple but very powerful changes and you'll be in a better and healthier place in a few months. For article source and more details - click here. Yeah, we all know cardio is good for us, but we also know that we're not building muscle. If you are not using weights or doing strength training, you may be missing out on these awesome benefits:
If you are ever interested in getting back into shape, making changes to your current workout routine, or need some help figuring some health-related things out, contact us today. |
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January 2023