The foods below are for healthy eyes. They are natural ways to give your vision a boost from the inside out! Try them out. Keeping your eyes healthy becomes increasingly important as we age. The once who follow natural health know that nutrition is a great defense against degeneration associated with aging and eye health is no exception. The five foods below are amazing for eye health. You can include these power-packed nutrients in your diet as much as you want. Eating these foods and maintaining good general health practices can help your eyes stay strong and your vision remain clear well into your golden years. Here the quick list, with more details below: 1. Carrots Why? Loaded with beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. A good source of the carotenoids beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, a class of antioxidant micronutrients that are believed to protect against macular degeneration and cataracts. A study sponsored by the National Eye Institute found that vitamin supplementation including beta carotene at levels well above the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) reduced the risk of developing advanced macular degeneration by a whopping 25%. 2. Ginkgo Biloba Why? Ginkgo is a nutritional supplement that has been used as traditional herbal medicine in China for hundreds of years. Ginkgo leaves contain natural flavonoids filled with antioxidants that are believed to improve eye health by boosting circulation and protecting against damaging free radicals. Ginkgo has been shown to increase ocular blood, making it potentially effective in treating glaucoma and other eye diseases. Adding this potent supplement to your regimen may provide an added layer of protection against age-related memory loss and heart disease.
4. Coconut Oil Why? Coconut oil has many healthful properties. Caspase-3 is a family of protease enzymes that plays an essential role in inflammation and apoptosis, or programmed cellular death. Benefits to the retina increased when the dosage of coconut oil was doubled in one of the studies, suggesting that coconut oil was the significant factor behind these potent eye health benefits. 5. Oily Fish Why? Many fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish are fish that have oil in their gut and body tissue, so eating them offers higher levels of omega-3-rich fish oil. The retinas need two types of omega-3 fatty acids to work right: DHA and EPA. You can find both in fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and trout, as well as other seafood. Some of the best fish are:
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