Coronavirus: Symptoms & Natural Solutions The coronavirus, aka COVID-19, is all over the news and social media. It is a new strain of coronaviruses that first started in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It causes fever, coughs, shortness of breath, and upper-respiratory symptoms. In this article (original source link below), you will learn what the coronavirus is, how it spreads, what are its symptoms, and who is at risk of the infection. You will learn about some major lifestyle factors that can cripple your immune system and put you at greater risk of any virus or respiratory infection. This article will also show some natural solutions that can help to prevent viruses, respiratory infections, and illness this season and help you recover quickly if you do get sick. What Is the Coronavirus Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large group of viruses. Different strains may cause different illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV, or SARS) or the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV, or MERS). Coronaviruses tend to be zoonotic viruses, which means that they can be transmitted between people and animals. For example, SARS was transmitted from civet cats to humans, whereas the MERS originally spread from camels to humans. There are various strains of coronaviruses that are circulating between animals but have not infected humans so far. If you check the news and read about the coronavirus, they are referring to the novel coronavirus (nCoV) or Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a new strain of coronaviruses that haven't been previously seen in humans and has been spreading since late 2019. Symptoms Symptoms are similar to the flu and the common cold, however, may become severe and lead to complications in those with chronic health issues or in older people. The mortality rate is at 2 percent in Hubei providence in China where the outbreak started and less elsewhere. This is much better than SARS, which had an over 10 percent mortality rate or MERS which killed about 35 percent of those infected. The CDC currently believes that the incubation period of the virus can be up to 2 weeks, and symptoms may appear within as few as 2 and as long as 14 days after exposure to the virus. This is very similar to what we’ve seen in the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) back in 2012. Symptoms of the coronavirus infection are very similar to symptoms of the flu (influenza) virus. Based on what we know, symptoms may include:
Symptoms may range from mild symptoms to severe. In some cases, people may develop a more severe illness, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, and in severe situations, it may result in death. Who Needs to Watch Out?
According to the current understanding, the coronavirus spreads very similarly to other coronaviruses and other upper-respiratory infections. The virus mainly spreads person to person between people who are in close contact, or within 6 feet, of each other. It spread via respiratory droplets coming from an infected individual's coughs or sneezes. When a healthy person nearby inhales these droplets into their lungs, they may get infected. While this is not the main way to get sick, the virus may also spread by touching one's own mouth, nose, or eyes after touching an object or surface with the virus on it. Based on what we know, the coronavirus is the most contagious when someone is the most symptomatic, however, it may also spread before someone shows any symptoms. However, at this point, we don't know enough how contagious the coronavirus is. How Do You Get Infected by Coronavirus? What we know for certain is that in order to get infected by the coronavirus, you have to be in contact with someone who is sick or perhaps with an object a sick person has touched recently. According to February 26, 2020, there are 14 confirmed cases in the United States, 12 of these are travel-related and 2 are person-to-person spread. Out of the 80,239 cases, 77,780 are in China and most other cases are in the Western Pacific Region of Asia, including South-Korea and Japan, as well as Italy. If you are in the United States, at this point, there is little reason for you to be worried. However, since the virus is spreading, experts speculate that we may be facing a pandemic situation soon, it is important to be up to date and educated. For up-to-date information, including travel warnings, you can check the CDC's and the WHO's website. The BIG questions....So What Can I Do? 5 Lifestyle Activities That Cripple the Immune System Your immune system's job is to protect you from infections and illnesses. Your immune system is the one that helps you recover if you get sick. Having a strong immune system is absolutely critical to protect your body against viral infections, including the coronavirus. The problem is that there are several lifestyle activities that many people engage in that can cripple your immune system and make you more vulnerable to illness. The top 5 lifestyle factors that may prevent your immune system from functioning optimally. Here the short list - details below:
Top 10 Natural Solutions For Coronavirus There are currently no vaccines to prevent the coronavirus and there are no anti-viral or other medications to treat the illness. Supporting your immune system is absolutely critical when it comes to the prevention and treatment of the coronavirus and other respiratory viral infections. Below are 10 natural solutions to boost your immune system and protect your body from illness and infections. Remember, these are great tips not only when it comes to the coronavirus, but for the common cold and the flu as well. 1. Eight Foods to Support Immune Health Eating a nutrient-dense diet is one of the best and non-negotiable ways to support your immune health. It is important that you eliminate refined sugar, refined oils, artificial ingredients, processed foods, and junk food, and instead, focus on a diet that’s rich in greens, vegetables, herbs, spices, fermented foods, fruits, and healthy fats. Certain foods are particularly beneficial for your immune health because they have higher immune-boosting properties than others. It is important that you add them to your nutrient-dense diet. These foods include:
2. Good Hydration If any way possible drink half of your body weight in ounces of clean water minimum a day. For example, if you're 200lbs you should drink 100 ounces of clean water every day! If you are exercising or doing physical labor, spending time out on the hot sun, sweating a lot in a sauna or hot tub, recovering from an illness or infection, or otherwise feeling dehydrated, make sure to drink more. To ensure that you drink high-quality, clean water, use a high-quality reverse osmosis system that purifies your water by removing all the toxins. Make sure to use a stainless steel or glass bottle to avoid toxic chemical residue from plastic bottles. It is also important that you eat plenty of hydrating vegetables and fruits and drink green juices, bone broth, or herbal teas in addition to your water intake. Avoid sugar, sugary drinks, energy drinks, and too much coffee that may dehydrate your body. 3. Good Sleep, Fresh Air & Daily Movement Keeping your body healthy is more than just food and water. Getting good sleep, fresh air, and daily movement are all crucial for a healthy immune system. Get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep on a regular basis. If you are feeling sick, make sure to honor your body, and rest plenty. Get some fresh air on a daily basis. Go for a walk, do some grounding by standing or walking barefoot on grass or dirt, or just simply open your windows and air out the rooms. Do some daily movement. Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes 5 days a week, and keep an active lifestyle through nature walks, stretching, yoga, dancing, walking your dog, and playing with your kids. Even if you are feeling sick, it is important to stretch or do some small movement as much as you can handle. 4. Keep Stress Down & Practice Gratitude Keeping your stress levels down is key to your immune health. Practice gratitude daily. Upon waking, think about the things that you are grateful for. Stop and appreciate the small things throughout the day. Keep an evening gratitude journal. Say a daily prayer or engage in the spiritual practices that uplift you. Journal regularly. Try meditation and breathwork. Say daily affirmations. Practice positive thinking. Talk things out with your friends, family, or therapist. Make sure to have some 'me-time' regularly. Surround yourself with positive people and uplifting activities as much as possible. 5. Diffuse Essential Oils Diffusing essential oils may be beneficial for both the prevention and treatment of infections. They may help to open up your airways, reduce mucous, improve coughs, calm sore throats, and reduce sinus issues. Essential oils that may benefit coronavirus, cold, and flu symptoms include eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, frankincense, oregano, thyme, geranium, cinnamon, nutmeg, bergamot, cypress, and tea tree essential oil. These essential oils may offer antioxidants and immune-protective qualities. It is important to mention that some people may be sensitive to certain essential oils. Start out with a small amount, preferably, when you are feeling well. Pay attention to your body and reactions. 6. Garlic Salve For Coronavirus Whether you have the coronavirus, the flu, the common cold, or other upper-respiratory issues, if you are symptomatic, try homemade garlic salve for coughs and colds. It's simple to make and easy to use. Use:
7. Take Vitamin C for Coronavirus There is a reason mothers give vitamin C supplements and orange juice when you were sick as a child. Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins when it comes to illness. Research has shown that it has incredible benefits for lung infections and it is one of the most important vitamins for your immune system. Vitamin C rich foods include lemon, lime, oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, guava, strawberries, papaya, pineapples, kiwi, sweet green pepper, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Remember that sugar is the enemy of vitamin C, so make sure to eliminate any food with refined sugar and reduce your overall natural sugar (carb) intake as well. Try Thorne's "Buffered Vitamin C" supplement (Amazon link). 8. Optimize Vitamin D & Zinc Vitamin C is awesome, but let's not forget about Vitamin D and zinc either. They are both essential to support your immune system, yet most people are not getting enough. Sunshine is the best way to improve your vitamin D needs, however, with our indoor lifestyle or colder seasons, it is impossible to meet all your needs. To boost your vitamin D levels, try a daily Vitamin D/K2 supplement for both prevention and treatment. Zinc is another nutrient that people seem to not get enough through diet alone, especially when not eating a nutrient-dense, immune-boosting diet. This can lead to immune dysfunction and more infections and illness. To improve your zinc levels and keep illness way, eat lots of zinc-rich foods, including pumpkin seeds, asparagus, chicken, salmon, and grass-fed beef regularly. 9. Use Elderberry & Astragalus Elderberry and astragalus are fantastic for coughs, congestion, and other respiratory illness symptoms. Use them to strengthen immune defenses that defend against colds, the flu, the coronavirus, and other infections and to aid recovery if you get sick 10. Use Specific Herbal Support Formula Herbs are the best friends of your immune system. However, it is important that you are strategic when you are using herbal support and use a specific herbal support formula that’s created to support your immune system, lungs, and respiratory tracts. Find natural respiratory support formulas that use powerful blends of herbs and essential oils, including lovage root, eucalyptus leaf, peppermint left, lemon balm leaf, lungwort leaf, orange leaf, plantain leaf, chapparal leaf, menthol, elecampane root, lobelia flower, and peppermint essential oil, to encourage lung, sinus, and respiratory tract health. Source - click here.
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