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metabolic type questions
65 questions to find YOUR specific metabolic type.
Please take your time. Read each question carefully.
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For each of the following questions, please select the one response (A, B, or C) that best applies to you. Please try real hard to select an answer as that will make your test more accurate. If for any given question you are certain that none of the responses applies to you, answer with "D: n/a". This option should only be used in a few cases. Also, every questions requires an answer.
However, in some cases you may find that none of the three responses to a given question describe you exactly. In these instances, don't worry about the fact that a given response may not describe you with absolute precision. Just choose the answer that best describes your general tendencies.
Remember, we're looking for your general metabolic patterns or tendencies, so there's no need to get hung up on the exact details or specific wording of each question or response.
Please answer all questions in terms of how
you are now, not how you used to be or would like to be or think you should be.
Try to be as thoughtful and honest as you can, but remember that there are no right or wrong answers!
You may be surprised to realize that you really don't know the answers to some of the questions. For example, you may not know offhand how you would react to a specific type of food or combination of foods. If this is the case, what you should do is simply put the self-test on hold for a little while until you can test your reaction to the foods in question. Note: This online test cannot be saved. You must answer all 65 questions in one sitting.
Though you should not have to struggle with any question or aspect of this test, accuracy is important, so it's best to take your time and not rush through it.
Note that you should always take the test again at any point in the future and have it re-evaluated by DannyTheCoach. This is something you'll want to do periodically anyway, to see if your body chemistry has shifted, which can occur.
1. Anger and Irritability - Sometimes we all get angry "for good reason.” But for some people, feelings of anger or irritability occur frequently or even daily, and are specifically influenced by what is - or isn't eaten. Skip this question if you do not experience anger or irritability that is affected by food.
A. When I feel angry, eating meat or fatty food seems to make it worse.
B. Sometimes eating relieves my anger and it doesn't really matter what I eat.
C. I often notice that feelings of anger or irritability have abated after I eat something heavy and fatty like meat.
D. N/A
2. Anxiety - Some people have a tendency to be anxious, apprehensive, or worried. In many cases these feelings are increased or lessened by the kinds of foods that are eaten. Don't answer this question if you do not experience anxiety that is influenced by food. When I feel anxious...:
A. ...fruits or vegetables calm me down
B. ...eating almost anything helps alleviate my anxiety.
C. ...heavy, fatty food improves the way I feel and lessens my feelings of anxiety.
D. N/A
3. Ideal Breakfast - Some people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But this simply isn't true from a metabolic perspective. Actually, every time you eat anything, what you eat is very important, because your ability to function depends on the kind of fuel you provide your "engines of metabolism." What kind of breakfast gives you the greatest energy, sense of well-being, peak performance, and satisfies your hunger the longest?
A. Either no breakfast or something light like fruit; and/or toast or cereal; and/or milk or yogurt
B. Egg(s), toast, fruit
C. Something heavy like eggs, bacon or sausage, hash browns, toast; or steak & eggs
D. N/A
4. Meal Preference - Pretend it's your birthday and all rules and restrictions for dieting and (supposed) good health are thrown out the window. You're ready to cut loose and treat yourself to your favorite foods and just have a good time. If you went to a sumptuous buffet dinner tonight, what kinds of food would you choose?
A. I would choose lighter foods such as chicken, turkey, light fish, salads, vegetables, and I'd sample various desserts.
B. I would choose a combination of foods from answers A and C.
C. I would choose heavy, rich fatty foods: roast beef, beef Stroganoff, pork chops, ribs, salmon, potatoes, gravy few vegetables, or maybe a small salad with vinaigrette or blue cheese dressing; cheesecake or no dessert
D. N/A
5. Climate - Climate, temperature, environment – all can make a big difference in a person's sense of well-being, energy levels, productivity, and moods. Some thrive in the heat, while others wilt. Some come alive when it's cold, while others retreat and "hibernate." For others, temperature and climate don't seem to make much difference. Please select the choice that best describes how temperature affects you.
A. I do best in warm or hot weather. Can't take the cold.
B. Temperature doesn't matter that much. I do pretty well whether it's hot or cold.
C. I do best in cool or cold temperatures. Can’t take the heat.
D. N/A
6. Chest Pressure - Some metabolic types commonly experience“chest pressure," a distinct sensation of pressure in the chest area. It often makes people feel as though a weight is on their chest, and tends to inhibit the ability to breathe.
C. I have a tendency to get or have problems with chest pressure.
D. N/A
7. Coffee - Coffee, when organically grown, properly prepared, and not misused, is an acceptable beverage for some metabolic types. Of course, anything that is overdone can be bad for you, even water. Nonetheless, coffee affects different people in different ways. Please indicate how coffee affects you.
A. I do well on coffee as long as I don’t drink too much.
B. I can take it or leave it.
C. I don’t do well on coffee. It Makes me jittery, nervous, hyper, nauseated, shaky or hungry.
D. N/A
8. Appetite at Breakfast - Appetites vary dramatically from person to person, from ravenous to normal to very little. Of course, your appetite can vary from day to day to some degree, but what is being asked about here is your overall tendency. A "normal" appetite is to feel hunger around regular mealtimes (morning, noon, and evening), but not to a noticeable extreme in either direction. My appetite at breakfast is typically...
A. ...low, weak, or lacking.
B. ...normal. Don't notice it being either strong or weak.
C. ...noticeably strong or above average.
D. N/A
9. Appetite at Lunch - For many people, appetites can change from breakfast to lunch to dinner. For others, it remains pretty much the same throughout the day. Please circle the answer that best describes your typical tendency - the way you are most of the time. My appetite at lunch is typically...
A. ...low, weak, or lacking.
B. ...normal. Don't notice it being either strong or weak.
C. ...noticeably strong or above average.
D. N/A
10. Appetite at Dinner - For many people, their strongest appetite is at dinner. For others, it's just the reverse. How does your appetite at dinner compare to your appetite at other times of the day? Choose the answer that best describes your usual appetite around dinnertime. My appetite dinner is typically...
A. ...low, weak, or lacking.
B. ...normal. Don't notice it being either strong or weak.
C. ...noticeably strong or above average.
D. N/A
11. Concentration - Concentration or intense mental activity actually uses up a lot of energy and thus requires sufficient fuel. But it also requires the right kind of fuel-to enable individuals to maintain mental clarity and stay focused. The wrong kind of fuel can make your mind hyper, causing a flood of uncontrollable thoughts. Or you could feel spacey or sleepy, or experience thoughts that seem to dissipate as soon as they arise. What foods worsen your ability to concentrate?
A. Meaty and/or fatty food.
B. No particular foods seem to disrupt my concentration.
C. Fruits and vegetables and grain-based carbohydrates
D. N/A
12. Coughing - Usually we think of coughing as something associated with illness. But some people naturally cough, easily and often, and do so everyday, even when they aren't sick. Typically, the cough will be a "dry" cough, and usually short in duration. It often worsens at night or soon after eating. If you're one of these people, choose answer C.
C. I tend to cough everyday.
D. N/A
13. Cracking Skin - Some people have a problem with their skin cracking for no apparent reason. This typically occurs on the fingertips or on the feet, especially on the heels. The problem can show up any time of year, but tends to happen more often in the winter.
C. I have a tendency to have problems with skin cracking.
D. N/A
14. Cravings - Some people do not have food cravings, so answer this question only if you do. Sugar is intentionally not listed as a choice here because most people, when low on energy, will begin to think of something sweet. Please indicate any other kinds of food cravings you might have besides sugar.
A. Vegetables, fruits, grainbased products (bread, cereals, crackers)
C. Salty, fatty foods (peanuts, cheese, potato chips, meats, etc)
D. N/A
15. Dandruff - Dandruff is the exfoliation, or shedding of skin, on the scalp in the form of dry white scales. If you have a tendency to have dandruff, select answer C below.
C. I tend to have problems with dandruff.
D. N/A
16. Depression - Like other emotional issues, depression can arise from many possible causes. Yet depression is often alleviated or worsened by what you eat. If you suffer from depression and have noticed a connection to food, select the appropriate choice.
A. I seem to feel more depressed after eating meats and fatty foods (and less depressed after eating fruits and vegetables).
C. I seem to feel more depressed after eating fruits and vegetables (and less depressed after eating meats and fatty foods).
D. N/A
17. Desserts - Foods provide various combinations of the six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent. We like to experience each of these effects from time to time, and they all have beneficial roles to play in our health. For example, everyone likes sweet foods, but not to the same degree and in the same quantity. What's your general feeling or attitude toward having desserts after meals?
A. I really love sweets and/or need something sweet with a meal in order to feel satisfied.
B. I enjoy dessert from time to time, but can really take it or leave it.
C. I don’t really care for sweet desserts that much; I may like something fatty or salty instead (like cheese, chips, popcorn) for a snack after meals.
D. N/A
18. Dessert Preference - What are your favorite kinds of desserts? Which would you choose most often? Even if you don't particularly like desserts, if you were forced to choose, which kinds would you gravitate toward? (NOTE: Ice cream is purposefully not listed in the choices, as almost everyone likes ice cream, regardless of their metabolic type!)
A. Cakes, cookies, fruit, pies, candies.
B. Truly no preference, I'd choose different kinds each day.
C. Heavier, fatty types like cheesecakes, French pastries.
D. N/A
19. Ideal Dinner - The right kind of food at dinner can provide great energy and well-being for the entire evening. Whereas the wrong dinner for your type can leave you feeling exhausted, and initiate a strong case of couch potatoitis. What kind of meal works best for you at dinnertime?
A. Something light like skinless chicken breast, rice, salad maybe a little desert.
B. Most foods work well for me.
C. I definitely do better with a heavier meal.
D. N/A
20. Ear Color - This query is concerned with blood flow to the ears. In some Caucasians, the ears are bright red, while in others, they're noticeably pale. Darker or lighter ears can also be seen in people of color. Please select the response that best describes your ear color.
A. My ears tend to be pale, lighter than my facial skin tone.
B. My ears tend to be the same shade as my face.
C. My ears tend to be pink, red, or darker than my facial tone.
D. N/A
21. Eating Before Bed - Eating before bed helps some people sleep better, while it clearly disrupts other people's sleep. For some, it depends on what they eat. For others, eating anything at all is a problem. This question concerns the latter. Eating just about anything before going to bed...
A. ...Disrupts or worsens my sleep.
B. ...Doesn't seem to make a difference; I can take it or leave it.
C. ...Usually helps me sleep better.
D. N/A
22. Eating Heavy Food Before Bed - Please indicate what reaction you would typically have to eating heavy foods before bedtime. "Heavy food" refers to protein foods or fatty foods like meat, fowl, and cheese.
A. It prevents or disturbs my sleep.
B. It’s usually OK, as long as it isn’t too much.
C. It improves my sleep.
D. N/A
23. Eating Light Food Before Bed - Please indicate what reaction you would typically have to eating light foods before bedtime. "Light food" refers to carbohydrates like bread, toast, cereal, or fruit-perhaps accompanied by small amounts of foods like milk, yogurt, or nut butter.
A. I usually don’t do well eating before sleep, but I definitely do better with lighter food.
B. I can take it or leave it.
C. It’s better than nothing, but I do better with heavier food.
D. N/A
24. Eating Sweets Before Bed - People have quite a range of reactions to sweets and sugars. Some can eat sugar before going to sleep and note no ill effect; it does not keep them from sleeping or disturb their sleep in any way. For others, sweets can cause insomnia, prevent them from sleeping soundly, or cause them to wake up, needing to eat something in order to go back to sleep. (Skip this question if you know you have candida over growth problems or are diagnosed as hypoglycemic or diabetic.) How do sweets affect your sleep?
A. Sweets don’t interfere with my sleep at all.
B. Sweets sometimes bother my sleep.
C. I clearly don’t do well eating sweets before sleep.
D. N/A
25. Eating Frequency - How often do you eat each day? The answer to this question should reflect your need to eat. For maximum energy and performance, some people need to eat more than three times a day. For others, twice is plenty. How often do you need to eat in order to maximize your well-being and productivity?
A. 2 to 3 meals a day and either no snacks, usually, or light snacks.
B. 3 times a day and no snacks usually.
C. 3 meals or more a day and snacks, often something substantial.
D. N/A
26. Eating Habits - Different types of metabolizers have different feelings toward food. Some people are very focused on food. They think about it a lot. They imagine what they'll be eating long before mealtimes. They enjoy talking about food, particularly about their likes and dislikes, or recounting stories of great meals or restaurants. These are the "live to eat" types. For others, food is almost the last thing on their minds, even to the point of forgetting to eat. They tend to view food more as one of life's unavoidable necessities, as compared to one of life's real pleasures. Having to eat is bad enough, but talking about food is an uninteresting waste of time. They're the "eat to live" types. What's your attitude toward food?
A. I'm unconcerned with food and eating; may forget to eat; rarely think about food eat more because I have to than because I want to.
B. I enjoy food, enjoy eating, rarely miss a meal, but don't really focus on food in any way.
C. I love food, love to eat, food is a big or central part of my life.
D. N/A
27. Eye Moisture - Like most functions in the body, eye moisture is something we really don't notice unless it's out of balance. Everyone's eyes at some point will feel too dry, or perhaps produce excessive moisture and tearing. But some people have a noticeable tendency in one direction or the other. Which of the following best describes your eyes?
A. My eyes tend to be dry.
B. I don't notice one way or the other.
C. My eyes tend to be very moist, even to the point of tearing.
D. N/A
28. Skipping Meals - Some metabolic types hardly notice when they haven't eaten. They often just happen to look at their watch and realize that it's long past their mealtime. But other metabolic types don't do well at all if they miss a meal. Their bodies let them know in no uncertain terms that it's time to eat. If they miss a meal, their performance drops dramatically. What happens to you when you go four hours or more without eating or skip a meal altogether?
A. Doesn't really bother me. I can easily forget to eat.
B. I may not be at my best, but it doesn't bother me, really.
C. I definitely feel worse, getting irritable, jittery, weak, tired, low on energy, depressed, or other negative symptoms.
D. N/A
29. Facial Coloring - The combination of thickness of the skin along with blood-flow level can produce variability in facial coloring. Increased blood flow can produce a pink, red, flushed, ruddy appearance, while decreased flow can produce a noticeably pale look. How would you characterize your facial coloring?
A. I'm noticeably on the pale side.
B. I have average coloring.
C. I'm noticeably darker (not from sun) or pink, flushed, ruddy.
D. N/A
30. Facial Complexion - Some people simply have a very bright look to their face. The skin may appear noticeably clear, translucent, shiny. Others can have the opposite look: noticeably pasty, chalky, unclear, dull. Most fall somewhere in between. How would you characterize your facial complexion?
A. More dull or pasty
B. Average
C. Bright, radiant, clear
D. N/A
31. Fatty Food - Contrary to popular opinion these days, fatty foods are not bad for everyone. They're actually beneficial for certain metabolic types. How do you feel about fatty foods? Remember, don't respond by indicating how you think you're supposed to feel. Value judgments aside, how much do you like or dislike fatty foods in general?
A. I don't really like fatty foods.
B. They're fine in moderation.
C. I love them or crave them and would like them often if I knew they were good for me.
D. N/A
32. Fingernail Thickness - Fingernails have a lot of properties: size, shape, moon or no moon, ridges or smooth surfaces, and so on. They can even develop troughs or they can curl. But this question pertains only to thickness. How would you characterize the thickness of your fingernails?
A. My nails tend to be thick strong, hard.
B. Seem average in thickness.
C. I definitely tend to have thin and/or weak nails.
D. N/A
33. Fruit Salad Lunch - How would you tend to feel after eating a(large) fruit salad with a little cottage cheese or yogurt for lunch?
A. It satisfies me; I do well on it and don't get hungry until dinner.
B. I do pretty well usually, but need a snack before dinner.
C. Pretty bad result. I usually get sleepy, tired, spacey, depressed, anxious, irritable and/or hungry as a result and definitely need to eat something else before dinner.
D. N/A
34. Gaining Weight - When you eat foods that are wrong for your metabolic type, what usually happens is that the food does not get fully converted to energy but gets stored as fat instead. Which of the following options best describes your tendency to gain weight?
A. Meats and fatty foods cause me to gain weight.
B. No particular foods seem to cause me to gain weight, but I'll gain weight if I eat too much and don't get enough exercise.
C. I tend to gain weight eating too many carbs (bread, pasta, other grain products, fruits, and/or vegetables).
D. N/A
35. Gag Reflex - No one likes to gag, but everyone has a gag reflex. However, sensitivity to the gag reflex varies dramatically. Some people gag often and very, very easily-at the dentist's, while brushing teeth and tongue, even from eating. Others rarely, if ever, gag, and it takes a lot for them to gag when they do. How would you describe your gag reflex?
A. I rarely, if ever, gag; it's hard to make me gag.
B. I probably have a normal reflex.
C. I easily gag and/or often gag.
D. N/A
36. Goose Bumps - The formation of goose bumps is a reaction produced by the nervous system. They often appear on the arms and legs as the result of right, or a sudden chill, or light brushing or touching of the skin. Some people form goose bumps very easily and often, while others rarely, if ever, seem to form them. Are you prone to goose bumps?
A. I often get goose bumps.
B. I occasionally get goose bumps.
C. I rarely, if ever, get goose bumps.
D. N/A
37. Energy Boosters - Food is our fuel for life. But different foods have different energy-boosting effects on different metabolic types. Most people know how to bolster their energy using either wholesome foods or quick pick-me-ups like sugar or caffeine. What kinds of foods generally boost your energy and give you lasting energy?
A. Fruit, candy, or pastry restores and gives me lasting energy.
B. Just about any food restores my energy and well-being.
C. Meat or fatty food restores my energy and well-being.
D. N/A
38. Heavy-fat-Meal Reaction - Liking fat is one thing, but how you react to it is another. Let's find out here. Note that this question concerns how you feel after eating fat, not whether you think fat is good for you. Please choose the option that best describes how you would react to a high-fat meal.
A. Decreases my well-being and energy, or makes me sleepy, or too full, or causes indigestion.
B. Causes no special reaction one way or the other.
C. Increases my wellbeing; makes me feel good, energetic, satisfied, like I "had a good meal."
D. N/A
39. Hunger feelings - Getting hungry can produce a variety of symptoms, ranging from occasional thoughts of food, to all-out hunger pangs, even to the point of nausea. What kind of hunger signals do you typically get from your body?
A. I rarely get hungry or feel real hunger, or have weak hunger feelings that pass quickly, or can easily go long periods without eating, can forget about food altogether.
B. I have pretty normal hunger around mealtimes or can forget about food altogether.
C. I often feel hungry; need to eat regularly and often; may get strong hunger sensations.
D. N/A
40. Energy Drain - What kinds of foods take your energy level down a notch or two instead of giving you the boost you're looking for?
A. Meat or fatty food generally makes me more tired, lowers my energy even more.
B. No foods in particular seem to take me down on a regular basis.
C. Fruit, pastry, or candy makes me worse, usually giving me a quick lift, then a crash.
D. N/A
41. Insect Bite or Sting - No one likes to get stung by a bee or bitten by a mosquito. But reactions can be extremely varied, ranging from a very small or mild reaction that disappears quickly to a very strong reaction (nonallergic) involving itching, pain, bruising, or welts that take a long time to go away, sometimes leaving discoloration for weeks or months. How do insect bites or stings affect you?
A. Reactions tend to be mild or weak and go away quickly.
B. Average reaction.
C. Clearly strong reaction, stronger than most (can involve above-average swelling, pain, itching, bruising, redness), and can take a long time to go away, leaving discoloration even afterward.
D. N/A
42. Insomnia - There are many kinds of insomnia. But with a certain type of insomnia, people routinely wake up in the middle of the night for reasons other than having to use the bathroom. Typically with this type of insomnia, people need to eat something in order to fall asleep again. With that in mind, do any of the following choices apply to you?
A. I rarely or never get this kind of insomnia.
B. I occasionally wake up and need to eat in order to go back to sleep.
C. I often wake up and need to eat in order to go back to sleep. Eating something before going to sleep helps this problem or shortens the time that I'm awake.
D. N/A
43. Itching Eyes - From time to time, everyone experiences itching eyes. This can happen when you have a cold, or hay fever, or candida overgrowth, or allergies. But for many people, itching eyes can be a common occurrence even when the above conditions are not present. This is the focus of this question.
C. I tend to get itching eyes often, even though I don't have a cold, allergy, or candida problem.
D. N/A
44. Itching Skin - This question concerns itching skin that is not due to bites or stings. Everyone's skin itches occasionally. But some people find that their skin itches on a regular daily basis, typically the scalp, arms, or calves. Because they're so used to it, they may not even be conscious of their frequent scratching.
C. My skin tends to itch often.
D. N/A
45. Meal Portions - Most everyone eats at least three meals a day. But the amounts at each meal can vary dramatically. Some people eat a lot of food, and may even have two or three helpings. Others eat very little but still feel full as a result. If you're not sure, think of it this way: When you eat out, do you usually eat less than others, more than others, or about the same as others?
A. I don't eat that much. Definitely less than average Doesn't take much to get me full.
B. I don't seem to eat more - or less - than other people.
C. I generally eat large portions of food, usually more than most people.
D. N/A
46. Nose Moisture - Normally, we're not aware of the moisture content of the skin inside our nostrils. It's only when the nose becomes too dry or too moist (runny, watery) that we're likely to think about it at all. Please select the option that best describes the way you are when you're not ill or not suffering from an allergic reaction.
A. My nose often seems too dry.
B. I don't notice my nose being too dry or too moist.
C. My nose often tends to run.
D. N/A
47. Fruit Juice Between Meals - If you're hungry, say between meals, how does drinking a glass of orange juice (or other fruit juice) affect you? Overall, is it a good effect or a bad effect? Does drinking fruit juice satisfy your appetite and leave you feeling well until your next meal? Or does it result in some kind of adverse reaction?
A. It energizes me, satisfies me, works well to nourish me until my next meal.
B. It's okay, but isn't always the best snack for me.
C. Overall bad result. Can make me lightheaded, hungry soon after, jittery, shaky, nauseated, anxious, depressed, etc
D. N/A
48. Personality - People have distinctly different personality traits, and many of these traits are related to, or heavily influenced by, one's biochemical makeup. Which of the following choices best describes your natural tendency in social gatherings, or your preference with respect to day-to-day interactions with other people?
A. I tend to be more aloof, withdrawn, a loner, or introverted.
B. I'm pretty average, neither introverted nor extroverted.
C. I tend to be more social, a "people person," or extroverted.
D. N/A
49. Potatoes - Potatoes are a wonderful food and they have many excellent nutritional attributes. But they aren't the best food for all metabolic types. Whether or not you think that potatoes are good for you, how do you feel about potatoes?
A. I don't really care for them that much or don't like them at all.
B. I can take them or leave them.
C. I really love them, could eat them almost every day.
D. N/A
50. Red Meat - Contrary to conventional wisdom, red meat is a healthy food choice for some metabolic types. When you eat red meat - like steak or roast beef - how do you normally feel afterward? Here we are seeking your reaction to red meat, not your belief as to whether or not you think it's good or bad for you.
A. It decreases my energy and well-being. Can make me depressed or irritable.
B. I don't notice one way or the other.
C. I definitely feel good or better when I eat red meat.
D. N/A
51. Pupil Size - Your pupils are the black, center portion of your eyes. The iris is the colored portion that surrounds the pupil. This question concerns the size of the pupil relative to the size of the iris. Average means the pupil and iris are basically the same size. Larger means the width of the pupil is clearly larger than the width of the iris. To answer, first look in a mirror, but do so in an average-lighted room-not dark, not bright. The size of my pupil tends to be...
A. ...larger than my iris.
B. ...average. The same size as my iris.
C. ...smaller than my iris.
D. N/A
52. Salad for Lunch - If you eat the wrong foods for lunch, you're likely to tank in the afternoon. Instead of being productive, you may find that you can barely keep your eyes open, or that you need coffee or candy to try to stay alert and focused. If you ate a large vegetarian salad for lunch, what effect would it have on your productivity through the afternoon?
A. I do pretty well with that kind of lunch.
B. I can get by, but it isn’t the best type of food for me.
C. Bad result. Makes me feel either sleepy, tired, lethargic, hyper, nervous, irritable.
D. N/A
53. Saliva Quantity - Many people have had the experience of their mouth becoming very dry when frightened or nervous, such as when they're about to give a speech. In contrast, most of us have experienced our mouth's "watering" when we encounter the aroma of good food. However, for some people, these conditions are their natural tendency for no apparent reason. Please select the option that most accurately characterizes your saliva.
A. My mouth tends to be dry a lot of the time.
B. I don't notice that I have too little or too much saliva.
C. I tend to have a lot of saliva, or I have a tendency towards drooling.
D. N/A
54. Salty Foods - Salt, like sweet, is one of the six tastes. And like sweet, people have a varied reaction to and interest in salt. Some people salt their food heavily and seem to crave salt. Others really aren't that interested in it and actually find that many prepared foods taste too salty. Whether or not you feel that salt is good for you, how do you feel about salt?
A. Foods often taste too salty, I like my food salted only lightly.
B. I don't really notice salt one way or the other. Rarely seems like too much or too little. Just use an average amount on foods.
C. I really love salt, or crave it. I like a lot of salt on foods, to the point that others think my food is too salty.
D. N/A
55. Snacking - Assume for this question that you eat three meals a day. If this is the case, do you typically need to snack, or to eat something between meals? Or are those three meals all the food you need for peak performance?
A. I rarely if never want or need snacks.
B. I occasionally want or need to snack between meals.
C. I often want or need to snack between meals.
D. N/A
56. Snack Preference - A good snack should provide you with lasting energy and improve your emotional well-being, in addition to satisfying your hunger. It should also not produce a negative effect, such as a craving for sweets. With this in mind, which of the following choices best describes your preference for snacks?
A. I generally don't need snacks, but if I do have one, I usually prefer and do well on something sweet.
B. I sometimes need snacks and do well on pretty much anything.
C. I definitely want and need snacks in order to be at my best. Do poorly on sweets, but do well on protein and fat (meat, chicken, cheese, hardboiled egg, nuts).
D. N/A
57. Sneezing - We usually think of sneezing in connection with colds or allergies. But some people sneeze daily as a matter of course, even when they're not sick or plagued with allergies. For example, some people sneeze routinely after eating. This question pertains to brief sneezing attacks composed of just one or two sneezes-not continuous, prolonged sneezing attacks. With that in mind, please select the option that best describes you.
A. I almost never sneeze unless I’m sick or have allergies.
B. I do sneeze from time to time when not sick or allergic, but not regularly.
C. I often regularly tend to sneeze and/or usually sneeze a little after eating.
D. N/A
58. Sociability - Many people believe that social tendencies are learned behavior. But one need only look at siblings in a family to see that people have innate tendencies with regard to sociability, even though these tendencies are influenced to a degree by life experiences. How would you describe your natural, innate tendency toward sociability, apart from the way your family or friends may have influenced you in this regard?
A. I tend to be a little "antisocial," in that I enjoy being alone, feel awkward at social gatherings or parties, and usually prefer to leave quickly or not to go at all.
B. I'm in the middle - not really antisocial, but also not particularly compelled to be with others.
C. I tend to be very social, a "people person," and love company and to be with others, prefer not to be alone.
D. N/A
59. Sour Foods - Sour, like sweet and salty, is one of the six tastes. Some people really like, love, or even crave sour foods like pickles, sauerkraut, vinegar, lemon juice, or yogurt. Others have an aversion to sour foods, or just don't like them all that much. Which of the following best describes your reaction to sour foods?
A. I generally don't care for sour foods.
B. I don't feel one way or the other, particularly. Don't like or dislike them much more than any other food.
C. I definitely like (some) sour foods or crave them.
D. N/A
60. Physical and Mental Stamina - Stamina refers to physical endurance, or the ability to persevere or work long hours without exhaustion. This capacity is greatly dependent on what we eat. Some foods optimize physical and mental stamina, while other foods noticeably reduce it. What type of foods best support your stamina? My stamina is better when I eat...
A. ...lighter foods like chicken, fish, fruit, vegetables, grains.
B. ...pretty much any wholesome food.
C. ...heavy foods, fatty foods.
D. N/A
61. Consuming Sweets - There's hardly anyone who doesn't like sweets from time to time. But this question is not concerned with whether or not you like sweets. Rather, how do you react when you eat something sweet all by itself (e.g. cake, cookies, candy, etc.)?
A. Sweets don't bother me even when I eat them by themselves. Generally sweets satisfy my appetite and don't produce bad reactions.
B. I'm sometimes bothered when eating sweets by themselves, d often they don't satisfy my appetite.
C. I usually don't do well eating sweets by themselves. They usually produce some manner of bad reaction and/or create a desire for more sweets.
D. N/A
62. Meat for Breakfast - In this question, meat refers to flesh proteins like ham, sausage, bacon, steak, hamburger, and salmon. How do you feel after consuming meat for breakfast - as opposed to going without it? Remember, this question does not include eggs, milk, or cheese as a substitute for the other animal proteins listed above.
A. I don't feel as well as I do without it. Tends to make me feel more tired, sleepy, lethargic, angry, irritable, thirsty, or causes me to lose my energy by midmorning.
B. I can take it or leave it, varies.
C. I feel much better with it: more energetic, have good stamina, keeps me going without getting hungry before lunch.
D. N/A
63. Red Meat for Lunch - In this question, red meat refers to flesh proteins like beef or lamb. How do you feel after consuming some red meat at lunch, as opposed to going without it? This question does not include eggs, milk, or cheese as a substitute for the other animal proteins listed above.
A. I don't feel as well as I do without it. Tends to make me feel more tired, sleepy, lethargic, angry, irritable, thirsty, or causes me to lose my energy by midafternoon.
B. I can take it or leave it, varies.
C. I feel much better with it: more energetic, have good stamina, keeps me going without getting hungry before dinner.
D. N/A
64. Red Meat for Dinner - In this question, meat refers to flesh proteins like beef or lamb. How do you feel after consuming some red meat for dinner, as opposed to going without it? This question does not include eggs, milk, or cheese as a substitute for the other animal proteins listed above.
A. I don't feel as well as I do without it. Tends to make me feel more tired, sleepy, lethargic, angry, irritable, thirsty, or causes me to lose my energy.
B. I can take it or leave it, varies.
C. I feel much better with it: more energetic, have good stamina, keeps me going without getting hungry before bedtime.
D. N/A
65. Dinner Preference - Pretend you're on vacation in the American West. It's nighttime and you're driving across the Death Valley Desert. You just spotted a sign that says DINER AHEAD. 10 MILES. NEXT EATING PLACE, 150 MILES. You're hungry, so you decide to pull into the diner. There you find that there are only three choices on the menu - Dinner Plates1, 2 and 3. Since you have a long drive ahead of you, it's essential for you to eat the kind of food that will keep you awake and energized. Which dinner plate would you choose to give you the best stamina, energy, and alertness?
A. Dinner Plate 1 - Skinless chicken breast, rice, salad. Apple pie.
B. Dinner Plate 2 - A combination plate including a little of everything from Plates 1 and 3.
C. Dinner Plate 3 - Pot roast cooked with carrots, onions, and potatoes, served with biscuits and gravy. Cheesecake.
D. N/A
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